Dedicated & Devoted

Welcome to our St. James Web Site. We encourage you to visit our physical premises at 147 Main Street, Johnson City, NY 13790. You will meet our dedicated staff and devoted parishioners who will delightfully make you feel comfortable.

At St. James we are a people who take pride in the thoughtfulness of our predecessors who over a century ago founded our community of faith. They put in place facilities dedicated to the great glory of God. These have been maintained over the years and passed on as symbols of our rich heritage. We have a beautiful and magnificent church that speaks well of our devotions, communal and private prayer. We have a school building that highlights our dedication to the formation of the young people in the Catholic Tradition.

Dedicated & Devoted


The participation of all in living out the mission of the Church is critical. Through this participation we are made aware of the Lord’s presence and we experience His love and care in a very profound way. This participation also helps us to recognize and continue the legacy of our forefathers of maintaining and passing on the heritage of our faith to future generations. It is our deepest desire and prayer that you join us and be part of this noble cause. We hope that your time with us will be an opportunity to share our faith and the joy we have in Christ Jesus.

Our Mission

St. James is a joyous and welcoming Roman Catholic Community which recognizes the call to live as good stewards of God’s gifts. As a people centered in the Eucharist and rooted in the Gospel, we do this by bringing the presence of Jesus Christ into the local and wider community through works of service and evangelization and being a reflection of God’s love.

Our Mission

Parish Staff

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Parish Ministerial Staff

Rev. Charles Opondo-Owora
Pastor | ext 316

Deacon Edward M. Blaine
Pastoral Associate | ext 327

Deacon William W. Fitzpatrick
Pastoral Assistant

Carol A. Hall
Pastoral Assistant | ext 314

Margit Mayberry
Spanish Apostolate | ext 315

Rev. John Nguyen Tuoi
Vietnamese Community | (315) 734-5209

Administrative Staff

Ryan Jenson
Facilities, Business Manager | ext 326, 323

Hope Matthews
Receptionist | ext 312

Mary Anne Tremblay
Secretary | ext 313

Phone: (607) 729-6147

Parish Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm.**

Faith Formation

Terri Barnes, RCIA
(607)-729-6147 | ext. 322

Renee Davis, Grades 1-10
Religious Education
(607)-729-6147 | ext. 320

Music Ministry

Jan DeAngelo, Music Director
(607) 729-6147 | ext 329

Patricia Foley, Folk Group
(607) 797-3661

St. James School

Early Childhood, Age 2-Grade 6

Phone Number: (607) 797-5444
Webpage: www.St-James-MS.org

Additional Information

Parish Membership

Welcome to new members! Any parishioners entering, leaving or moving within the parish should contact the Parish Office. Registration packets are available in the back of church or at the Parish Office

Bulletin Deadline

Any information for the parish bulletin should be submitted by Monday at noon.

What Our Parishioners Are Saying


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– John Smith